《写真集文章》アウンザブタイヤ寺院 ミャンマーの奇跡 日本人が救った301体の仏像


アウンザブタイヤ寺院 JAPAN PAGODA ミャンマーの奇跡日本人(熊野活行)が救った301体の仏像写真集



ミャンマーの人々はこの寺院を、愛を込めて「ジャパン・パゴダ(日本の仏塔)」と呼んでいます。 本冊子は日本とミャンマーの友好の証として編纂したものです。今後も両国のさらなる相互交流、相互支援の発展を当協会では心より願っております。

一般財団法人 日本ミャンマー友好交流協会 代表理事 熊野活行








当時のミャンマーでは各地の仏像が非合法的に中国やタイに持ち出されそうになっていた。軍政によって寄進とお布施を禁止された僧侶たちが貧苦に喘ぎ、やむなく仏像を地下マーケットに手放していたのである。 2007年には軍政に反発する僧侶たちに対し、軍の特殊部隊が国中の寺院を急襲する事件が起こる。そうした騒動の中、日本人ジャーナリストを含む9人の一般人が軍隊によって銃殺されるニュースが世界中を駆け巡った。










Aung Zub Tiar Temple [Japan Pagoda]

Miracle of Myanmar
301 Buddha Statues Saved by a Japanese, Katsuyuki Kumano
Photo Book


Aung Zub Tiar Temple was constructed by Panaunnta Daisojo, the highest position among Buddhist priests, in Hmawbi Township, Yangon City, Myanmar.
Katsuyuki Kumano, the Board of Directors of General Incorporated Foundation “Japan Myanmar Cross-Link Association”, donated 301 ancient Buddha statues to Aung Zub Tiar Temple in October 2012 including the oldest one in the world.
People of Myanmar call this temple “Japan Pagoda (Buddhist Tower of Japan)” with love.
The photo book was compiled as a proof of friendship between Japan and Myanmar.
The association wishes for the further development of the two nations cordially with mutual exchanges and supports between two nations.

General Incorporated Foundation: Japan Myanmar Cross-Link Association
The Board of Directors: Katsuyuki Kumano (Mr.)


Chapter 1

Yangon, the largest city in the nation, was once the capital of Myanmar. Driving an hour and a half to north east from the center of Yangon, Aung Zub Tiar Temple stands in Hmawbi Township.
On the weekend, village where houses sparsely stand would be inundated with 50 thousand people from inside and outside the nation. People come to pray 301 Buddha statues including the oldest in the world.
These historic statues were once faced with crisis. They were to illegally smuggle out from the nation through underground economy, but one Japanese person saved and took them back to Myanmar.
In Myanmar where almost 90% of the population faiths Buddhism, people call this temple “Japan Pagoda (Buddhist Tower of Japan)” with love and respect.

Chapter 2

Katsuyuki Kumano, the Board of Director of Japan Myanmar Cross-Link Association, was recommended by his friend and happened to visit Myanmar in 2002 for the first in his life. Many Japanese people were killed here during the World WarⅡ. People of Myanmar share Mongolian spots with Japanese people. Blood is thicker than water: With this conviction, Kumano holds a feeling of intimacy to Myanmar beyond words.
In the same year when the association was established, Kumano visited Myanmar every month and became to support children at school gradually.
In 2005, Kumano experienced otherworldly incident: He encountered with “Demon”.

Chapter 3

At the antient capital Pagan, the local who drove Kumano’s car got lost its way. They reached to a dim cave by chance. Feeling a slight sign of something, Kumano turned his eyes to the abyss and witnessed a “Demon” scowling at him.
Overwhelmed by fear, Kumano ran away like a scared rabbit. Even he got back to Japan, he had a nightmare of the “Demon”.
“Investigating the temple later, it came out to be a decayed but venerable pagoda (Buddhist Tower). Come to think of it, the “Demon” was a Buddhist statue. While having the same nightmares over and over, he realized the statue was not just fearful but trying to tell him something. He became to think like that.
Mr. Kumano recognizes this mysterious dream as an oracle of restoration of the pagoda.
When he returned to Myanmar, he offered a restoration of the decayed pagoda.

Chapter 4

At that time in Myanmar, Buddhist statues were about to be carried away from all over the country to China and Thailand. Buddhist priests were suffering from extreme poverty due to the prohibition of money donation and offering sentenced by the military, and they had no choice but let go of the statues to the black market.
In order to wipe out the priests resisting military domination, special army raided temples throughout the nation in 2007. Under those riots, 9 innocent people were shot dead including a Japanese journalist. This shocking news made headlines throughout the world.
“Government oppression became fierce on temples. As a result, priests were extremely straitened more than ever. If the statues were left to be sold on the black market, precious cultural heritages would never come back to the hands of Myanmar citizen. From the feelings, I purchased one Buddha statue and kept it with me”.
Kumano rent a home in Yangon city and tried to hide the statue there. If he was noticed by the government, it was not a surprise to be shot dead like the Japanese journalist.

Chapter 5

Armed soldiers stopped the truck. They looked at Kumano and the bed of truck alternately where mountains of vegetables were loaded. It was a checkpoint of the government army.
Kumano broke out in a cold sweat. He was waiting with his heart pounding so fast in the fear they might find Buddhist statues hidden beneath the vegetables.
  After purchasing one Buddhist statue, many rumors flowed into Kumano one after another. Any time he obtained one, he carried statues sneaked into his house by a disguised truck.
After waiting for a while, Kumano got a permission to pass. The checking point goes away looking over the side mirror. However, after driving not so long, another checking point came. Kumano had to prepare for shot dead once again.
  The number of Buddhist statues he collected over 2 years counted to 301 before he knew.

Chapter 6

As soon as Kumano and Panaunnta Daisojo met with each other, they convinced as real brothers in a past life. At once, Mr. Kumano decided to donate the 301 Buddha statues to him.
In October 2012, all the statues were carried into the large auditorium of Aung Zub Tiar Temple. The assessment revealed that many of them worth a nation treasure including the oldest one from 2,600 years ago.

Chapter 7

The Buddha statues have been opened to the public since spring 2013. In September 2015, they appeared in the special national TV program. Although the temple was at first opened at Wednesday through Friday, there were way more visitors than the temple can afford, so it decided to open almost every day.
Now, the construction of 5-story museum is in the process due to complete by December 2018. A large Buddhist theme park is also under construction that co-establishes with an amusement park.
“This is what only I can accomplish. Driven by a feeling like a sense of mission, I have been doing this all by myself. I have received many gratitude from people in Myanmar until now, and the statues are smiling happily. I also feel happier than ever.
The Buddhist statues were saved by one Japanese person who risked his life. All the statues are now enshrined in Aung Zab Tiar Temple.
People call this temple with love ――― “Japan Pagoda”.

General Incorporated Foundation: Japan Myanmar Cross-Link Association